Cover of Women's Voice Magazine and in the background, a subscription sign up page to the enewsletter

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Cover of Women's Voice Magazine and in the background, a subscription sign up page to the enewsletter

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The cover of Women's Voice Magazine

Embrace Every Moment – Volume 22 in stores now. Find an Essential Natural Health Store near You!

The cover of Women's Voice Magazine

Restore Gut Health after Antibiotics

The cover of Women's Voice Magazine

Saffron for Seasonal Blues

The cover of Women's Voice Magazine

The Fight for Food Integrity

Nectarine slowly aging with title "Taurine"
Healthy salad bowl with search bar over top

How to: Dysbiosis Diet

Woman brushing hair with benefits

Mid-Life Hair Crisis

Celery Seed on a spoon

Celery Seed Benefits

The cover of Women's Voice Magazine

5 Signs you May Have An Underperforming Thyroid

Fresh Fruit & Veg

Top Benefits of Berberine

Fresh Fruit & Veg

Amino Acids Eliminate Cravings!

Icecream cone

The Mini Craving Type Questionnaire

Fresh Fruit & Veg

Environmental Working Group’s 2023 Dirty Dozen List

Toggle switch from fat storage to fat burning icons

Fat Storage to Fat Burning

Understanding Phytoestrogens

A bowl of healthy salad with the title over top.

Hormones vs. Weight loss

Image of a woman balancing in the forest

The Oat Axis

Images of healthy food and activities

Three Easy Steps to Health

Title on an island scene

The Blue Zones

Two family members embracing in happiness.

Living a Long, Active, Fulfilling Life!

Kids running in a field

Iron-Deficiency Anemia

Supplements with title

Supplement Support for Long COVID

Green & Leafy Vegetables in slow motion

Leafy Greens Slow Cognitive Decline

Orange in an orchard with the Title

The Power of Vitamin C

Half Eaten Apple with Title

Superpower Snacking Secrets

Saffron in a jar with title

Sight Saving Saffron

Flower in the sun

Are you getting enough Vitamin D?

Vitamin Bottle with ISURA Seal

ISURA Seal of Quality

Woman with Tummy Trouble

Say Goodbye to Tummy Troubles

Virus Cells in the background

Activate Your Natural Killer Cells

Groceries in a canvas bag

Hunger Hormones & Insulin

Infographic highlighting food waste

Understanding Expiration Dates

Text that reads "Quercetin - Emerging New Supplement" printed over a sprig of white blossoms

Quercetin – Emerging New Supplement

Text that reads "Spring Detox Guide" printed over a field of bright flowers

Spring Detox Guide

Text that reads "Director & Founder of GMP Free USA" Over a photo of a gently smiling woman

The Tipping Point for Climate Change

Text that reads "Women Who Inspire Us" Over a photo of a mom with flowers

Meet Holly Capelle

Text that reads "Cognitive Cocktails for Peak Brain Health" over a drawing of a brain in a skull

Cognitive Cocktails for Peak Brain Health

A globe

Earth Day Quiz

A woman sitting cross legged on a couch with her hands holding up her head. The text above her reads "Mitochondria & Chronic Stress"

Mitochondria & Chronic Fatigue

A woman's hand reaching out from a misty cloud

Slow Aging with Glutathione

A woman in a hospital gown stepping and slippers through a door. There is text beside that reads: Hysterectomy & Heart Disease

Hysterectomy & Cardio Vascular Disease

Nutrition for Kidney Disease wreotten in the middle. Below is a drawing of 2 kidneys. There are arrows going out to 5 images around them: Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Regular Physical Activity, Vit K2, Pre & Probiotics and Mediterranean diet

Kidney Disease – Know the Basics

Drawing of a woman with a large bouquet of flowers

International Women’s Day

Text that reads "New Data Shows Age doesn't slow Metabolism!" printed above a clock face that is 1/2 clock and 1/2 plate of pasta

Shocking New Data on Aging & Metabolism!

Text that reads "The All-or-Nothing Spiral" printed over a drawing of a large circular staircase winding down and down and down

The All or Nothing Spiral

Text that reads "Floss to Stay Sharp" printed on a drawing of a large molar tooth beside a drawing of a woman holding a big tooth brush and a piece of dental floss swirling around both the woman and the tooth

Floss to Stay Sharp

Text that reads "Vitamin D boosts immune function" beside a woman sitting outside on a brick bench who is smiling and looking down at her ipad tablet with the sun shining behind her

Covid 19 and Vitamin D

Text that reads "Saffron & Stress Relief" in front of 3 blossoms and a small pile of dried saffron

Saffron & Stress Relief

Text that reads "New Insights on Quercetin by Dr Michael Murray" surrounded by multi-coloured bubbles

New Insights on Quercetin

Dr Stephanie Rubino, ND sitting at the beach looking out. The heading above the image reads "8 Substantial Health & Well-Being Habits"

Simplicity – The Foundation of Health

Someone's hand holding up an oil supplement capsule between their fingers. The headline text above it reads "Omega 6 & Omega 3 Perfect Ratio"

Omega 6 & Omega 3 Perfect Ratio

A clock timer and text that reads "Countdown to next movement break" over a woman sitting in front of her laptop computer

The Hazards of Prolonged Sitting

text that reads "The Healthy Plate" beside a 1/2 of a plate filled with veggies, salad and a little bit of roasted chicken

The Healthy Plate

text that reads "Type 2 Diabetes Quiz" with some bubbles for graphic design

Avert Type 2 Diabetes

a drawing of a woman wearing an outdoor jacket and tights. Beyond her is a dial gauge with the pointer indicating a higher range. The text beside these images reads "Estrogen Overload in Men & Women"

What is Estrogen Dominance?

a drawing of a megaphone directed at a speech balloon that reads "supplement Support for Hearing Loss & Tinnitus"

Do You Hear What I Hear?

A woman in pajamas laying restlessly in the bed covers. The text above the image reads" #DYK Lack of Sleep is a Risk Factors in Alzheimer's?"

Lack of Sleep

a young girl smiling while eating cookies and having a glass of milk at the table. There is text below that reads "Chlorpyrifos (CPS) A dangerous pesticide"

Playing Politics With Pesticides

4 smiling little kids crouching in a semi circle beside a large tree in the forest

Forest Floor is Vital for Immunity

text that reads "Quercetin" printed under a dandelion blossom


a glass pitcher of water with lots of fruit in it. grapefruits and lemon. There are also mint leaves. Beside it are a couple of glasses with the same mix in them and some ice cubes and stripped straws

16 Infused Water Ideas to Amp up your Hydration this Summer

the shelves of a fridge with 5 reusable food storage containers with assorted food in them

Are You a Leftover Lover?

Text that reads "Unable to Conceive? You're not Alone!" above a couple looking at a pregnancy test stick and they are looking tired and frustrated.

Unable to Conceive? You’re not Alone!

Text that reads "Summer Tips for Healthy Hair" beside a woman with long hair and you just see the side of her hair that she is holding gently between her hands

5 Simple Secrets for Healthy Summer Hair

Someone holding up their hand. On the wrist is a drawing of a battery with just a little charge left in it

Charge Up Your Body’s Renewable Energy

A pile of watermelon with a search bar over it reading "What produce is in season in July?"

What’s in Season in July?

A close up of the face of a girl wearing glasses. The image has a blue hue. There is a search bar printed over the image that reads "What is blue light?"

Protect Your Eyes from Blue Light

a close up shot of a bee on a daisy

Neonicotinoids & Insomniac Bees

Text that reads" The Rewards of Seated Exercise" placed over an image of an older woman with a big smile. She is lifting 3lb weights out to the side

The Rewards of Seated Exercise

A woman laying face down on a couch. She has a book in her hand but she has fallen asleep.

Lack of Sleep

Text that reads "Quarantine 15" in a circle with 3 arrows each pointing to text "The Keto Diet" "Intermittent Fasting" "Vegan or plant-based diet""

Quarantine 15

Text that reads "Natural Chronic Pain Relief" over a drawing of a woman's back and she reaching behind her neck and the base of her spine. There is a hot spot in the center of her back

Natural Advances in Chronic Pain

Text that reads "Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies" over an image of a woman blowing on a dandelion blossom and spreading seedings into the air

Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

a plastic bag floating in the ocean

Great Global Cleanup

Drawing of the outline of a person with a tract running from the brain through the gut. There are bubbles around the head and also gut area. The text beside reads " Candidiasis vs. Candida What you Should know"

Candidiasis, Restoring Balance

Text that reads "4 things to ensure supplement quality: 1. Reputable Manufacturer 2. Good Labelling Practices 3. NPN 4. Third-Party Testing

Demystifying Supplement Quality – What You Need to Know

Text that reads "Humble Vitamins C&D" beside it are a stethoscope and a supplement bottle with a couple of supplements sprinkled around

Humble Vitamins C&D – Daily for Immune Support

Text that reads "A Science-Based Treasure Vitamin K2" placed above a cheese board with 4 different kinds of cheese, grapes, and figs. There is a glass of red wine and a glass of white wine standing beside the cheeses.

Vitamin K2 – Science-Based Treasure

Text that reads "Empathy in Conception & Pregnancy" beside a pregnant woman sitting cross legged on a bed and holding her belly
A woman holding up 2 puzzle pieces that should fit together. One has a drawing of a heart. The other a liver. Over the image is written "Fatty Liver linked to Heart Disease"

Fatty Liver Link to Heart Disease

A drawing on a woman's face. It is cut horizontally into 3 sections and each section shows a woman from a different area of the world.

International Women’s Day

the center has text that reads: supplement support for the herpes virus" around it are 5 bowls. They contain: vitamin D capsules, curcumin, zinc tablets, cayenne powder and L'lysine capsules

Hope for Herpes Sufferers

The hands of 4 women. They are from multiple backgrounds. There is a search bar over the image that reads" Does my collagen diminish with age?"

BioSil – Where to Buy

A collection of magnesium rich foods - bananas, dark chocolate, spinach, kale, avocado, nuts and seeds, chai

Magnesium – Vital to Long-Life Expectancy

A metal bucket tipped over and fresh food scraps are spilling out

Our 5 Best Tips for Sustainable Composting

A beautiful young woman with a big smile. The sun is shining behind her. The image has a text bar over it that reads "supplements for healthy teeth"

Supplements – A Must for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Text that reads "Telomeres the Secret to Youthful DNA" beside a drawing of 2 green shrubs that are trimmed to cross and form an "X" . The tops and bottoms are edged with brown leaves blowing away

Telomeres the Secret to Youthful DNA

Fruits and vegetables all packed together - strawberries, carrots, peppers, kale, apples, tomatoes - over the image is a search bar that reads "What is Quercetin?"

Quercetin Explained

2 birds sitting on branches. there is text over the mage that reads "Birds - What's Happening to Them?"

Birds – What’s Happening to Them?

A woman happily tossing her hair with a big smile. There are 4 cloud bubbles around her that say" Dopamine" "Oxytocin" "Serotonin" "Endorphins"

How to Hack Your Happiness Hormones

Adrianne Ho modelling a fitness crop top

Sweat the Style on Health Fitness& Fashion

a jar of milk surrounded by different nuts and seeds. there is a text bar over the image that reads "which milk alternative is best?"

Ranking Milk Based on Sustainability

the sunlight streaming through the trees. a headline reading "Ecotherapy" is written in the center with "the art of forest bathing" written below

Forget the Spa, Try Ecotherapy

title "Cold and Flu Quashers" above a glass mug of tea wrapped in a cozy scarf

Cold & Flu Quashers

An aloe Vera plant outside with just open blue sky behind. there is a text box over the image that reads "Aloe Vera"

How to Correctly Apply Aloe Vera to the Face

woman standing in a paper boat - a caption above reads" Smooth sailing through perimenopause"

Hormone Harmony With Grape Seed Extract

a hourglass filled with red sand beside text that reads "Hormone Harmony with Grape Seed Extract". there are some grape seeds laying beside the hour glass

Hormone Harmony With Grape Seed Extract

Bottle of light coloured oil with the text beside that says "Benefits of Castor Oil"

11 Ways Castor Oil Makes Your Hair and Skin Rock

Text that says "Common Risk Factors for Cardio Vascular Disease" There is a woman "climbing" on a heart beat graphic

It’s Never Too Early to Talk Heart Health

Text on top says "symptoms of low serotonin: low mood, anxiety, sleep disturbances, fibromyalgia, cravings, migraines. with a person's head angled into the image. the face is covered over with a box on the image and a sad face drawn on it.

Time-Release Natural Support for Mood

text in the center reads "Have you experienced any of these?" around that text are bubbles with words written in them: bloating, gas, brain fog, abnormal bowel function, low energy, digestive pain, mal-absorption, flatulence

SIBO When Good Bacteria Go Bad

Heart shaped plate with raw fish, raw prawns, chai seeds, shelled walnuts, and lentils. on top of the image is a text box. It reads "Reminder Have you had your Omega 3s today?"

Omega 3s – The Building Blocks  of Health and Wellness

a woman looking up with a serene expression. there is text over part of her face that reads " 4 Keys to staying Calm in a Crisis"

Staying Calm in a Crisis

all text " Women need to comfort and encourage other women. When we inspire and bolster each other, we become united - Dr Stephanie Rubino"

Women Supporting Women During Crisis

a young woman sitting hugging her arms around her crossed legs and her head resting down on her knees. The caption on the image reads " The effects of eczema on Mental Health"

The Eczema Society of Canada

a woman's hands. she is scratching one that looks very red. The text over the image reads " What is eczema and what causes it?"

5 Natural Remedies to Heal Eczema

a hand holding a palm full of pills. Below is text that reads "pill fatigue?"

Are You Suffering From Pill Fatigue?

Looking downward on to an open coconut with wooden spoon holding coconut oil set across it. There is text beside that reads" the Power on Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs)"

Revealing the Power of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs)

Looking downward on to a woman sitting at her laptop working and a toddler on the couch near by. The caption over the image reads " are women hit harder?"

When Life Gets Tough – Women are Hit the Hardest

Drawing of a woman out for a jog

Is My Morning Fitness Routine Causing Weight Gain?

a canvas bag of eco-friendly products are spilling into the image. There is text that reads "Be an Influencer for Eco-Change - it works"

Be an Influencer for Eco-change

2 teenage girls smiling. they are Melati and Isabel form Indonesia

Changemakers for Planet Earth

the frame of the image is kids school supplies; rulers, pencils, scissors, colour markers and the text in the middle of the image reads: "Prepare Your Child for Victory at School"

Prepare Your Child for Victory at School

text that reads" Can you Fake Fasting?" placed in a circle surrounded by drawings of spoons, forks and knives

Can you Fake Fasting?

ladies washroom door but the icon of the woman has her legs crossed as if she really needs to hold it in

Solutions for Urinary Incontinence

looking down on a big serving of salad. It's very colourful with big pieces of tuna, sliced tomatoes, cucumber and red onion. there is a server of oil dressing beside and a dish of sliced lemons as well

The Real Reason to Endorse the Mediterranean Diet

the heads of a mom and baby snuggling together. There is text below that reads "Coping with Postpartum Depression"

Overcoming Postpartum Depression

a red line drawing of a chicken with script text below that reads "to wash or not to wash"

Are You a Chicken Washer?

hand of a female artist drawing a flower with a black charcoal pencil

A Creative Life Is a Healthy Life

5 small children around a clay planting pot with a watering can in the foreground. there is a banner in the corner of the image that reads:" Plant a seed and see what Grows Foundation"

Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation

a stethoscope being held by a professional wearing a surgical glove. There is an image of a read heart over the photos and a search box with the text: Health Blood Pressure Support"

High Blood Pressure, the Silent Killer

Bowl of chocolate squares, skewers of marshmallows and a stack for graham crackers

Here’s to Your Summer Staycation!

A woman sitting cross legged on a blancket. She looks stressed and has a sleeping mask pushed up on her head. She's holding a large cup and eating ice cream from it. There are chocolate and candies in front of her

Stress Eating Summer Tips and Minimizing Sugar Intake

a comuter survey titled: Reset your weight set point. 2 option boxes "new weight" "confirm new weight" then "continue" or "cancel" buttons on the bottom

Reset Your Understanding of Weight Set Point

Photo of Karelen Karst and her daughter in their kitchen over laid with an image of a phone with Spotify's page of Karlene's book "This Kitchen is For Dancing"

Dance in the Kitchen with Us! Listen on Spotify

The cookbook "This Kitchen is For Dancing" by Karlene Karst on ipad

Celebrate with Women’s Voice on the Digital Release of WV Expert, Karlene Karst’s Cookbook, This Kitchen Is for Dancing

clear clean cocktail with ice and lemon garnish on the far left of a white image with the words "Clean Liquor."

Clean Cocktail Recipes

Risk meter from high to low across 3 colours in one frame with words "What is the risk?"

Experts Rate the Risks of 14 Summer Activities

a 10 year old girl with a brown bob hair cut and glasses, looks forlorn, she's wrapped up in a cozy blanket. beside her image is the title of the article "Stress in Children and young adults

Stress on the Rise in Children & Young Adults

a woman's bare torso with black marker lines looking like intestines drawn on it. her hands cupped above and below her gut

The Low-FODMAP Diet

an up close image of grass on a lovely spring day. Text over it says "Earthing, it Does a Body Good!"

Earthing, it Does a Body Good

Woman with pink glasses wearing a sweat band and lipstick, holding a dumbbell with caption "Need a reason to stay active?"

6  Motivating Reasons to Exercise

Bold type" 7 Important Supplements for Men's Health" with the top view of a drawing of a man sweeping

7 Important Supplements for Men’s Health

A circle logo that reads "Bioengineered" in French and English over a background of a ploughed field, There is a heading that reads"Bioengineered - the new word for GMO"

New Bioengineered Label Sows Confusion to Hide GMOs

A drawing in pastel colours of leaves, plants and science equipment (test tubes and microscope) the title on top says" Synthetic Biology"

Synthetic Biology: The Path to Destroy Our Planet

The cover of the movie titled Modified set in a basket of veggies

Thank you for taking part in our Earth Day Celebration! Click here for more information

looking down on a dark wooden board with a hearty bowl of yellow pea soup on it

Quebec-Style Yellow Pea Soup Recipe

a magazine open to the title page of an article called "Democracy: An Essential Ingredient for Healthy Food"

Democracy: An Essential Ingredient for Healthy Food

A hand resting in the grass holding a small globe of the earth

Earth Day Tips

Blue background with open magazine showing the Women's Voice article The Rise and Fall of Antibiotics

The Rise and Fall of Antibiotics

EWG Verified logo in the centre surrounded by makeup, makeup brushes and makeup tools

EWG VERIFIEDâ„¢ Products

pink background showing the tips of 2 sharp pencils close beside each other. There are faces and arms drawn on each pencil to look like they are in an embrace. one is not happy.

Lagging Libido and Sexual Dysfunction in Women

pink background with a pink balloon. you just see half of the balloon from the side. it's the knot. it's used to represent a breast

8 Steps for Healthy Breasts

looking down on white surface with 200 or so bright red barberries outlining a heart shape

Berberine: Nature’s Metabolic Master Switch

looking down on a woman's hand cupping a large black bowl of red barberries

Berberine: the Gift that Keeps Giving

colourful drawing of gears

How the Heart, Brain and Gut Influence Mental Health

man followed by a border collie walking along a large a log in a rich green forest

For Heart Health, Prescribe Yourself Some Puppy Love

head and shoulders shot of a woman on a beach with rich red hair curly long hair blowing in the wind

Amino Acids for Healthy Hair Skin and Nails

Cartoon drawing of 2 bottles with word "vs." in between them. The bottle on the left says "Vitamin K1" and the bottle on the right says "Vitamin K2"

The Calcium Conundrum

Cartoon drawing of a young girl wearing an orange toque. she is sad and holding a tissue to her face. there are pictures of warm tea, thermometer, zinc lozenges and a box of tissues surrounding the text "beat the cold and flu season"

Beat the Cold and Flu Season

text "is the keto diet for you? 75% fats, 20% protein, 5% carbohydrates" on a white background with vegetables drawn around the edges - kale, tomatoes, beans, avocado, radishes, garlic

Plant-Based Keto Made Easy + Ramen Bowl Recipe

text in green and purple "whats the gut got to do with it?" and 12 animated drawings of gut bacteria

What’s the Gut Got to Do with It?

shiny silver old fashioned alarm clock with text, why muffins and your muffin-top are waking you up at night!

Why Muffins (and Your Muffin-top!) Are Waking You up at Night!

woman yawning holding empty coffee cup with words "difficulty sleeping? low energy?"

Stress and Your Adrenal Health

5 year old girl in a white t-shirt with horizontal red, green, blue and yellow stripes is running happily through a splash of water. text on image says "can outdoor play build better brains?"

Outdoor Play May Help Build Better Brains?

3 dogs running on a grass lawn towards you

Lawn Chemicals Can Be a Threat to Your Dog

Kick the garbage habit now! 6 suggestions: say no to plastic, reward businesses going green, repair before discarding, carry your own containers, use metal straws, eat local

The Earth Needs Our Help

seared ahi tuna poke salad with hula ginger vinaigrette + wonton crisps

Seared Ahi Tuna Poke Salad with Hula Ginger Vinaigrette and Wonton Crisps by @halfbakedharvest

marble background with text stating foods that fight inflammation and food photographs of oranges, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, tomatoes, walnuts, almonds, olive oil

Powerhouse Anti-Inflammatories

colourful cartoon of a woman lying down on her side with fire in her gut area

Inflammation Linked To  Chronic Illness

colourful illustration of widgets and gears representing the connections of our minds

How Is Our Mental Health Influenced by Our Heart, Brain and Gut?

coconut oil on wooden spatula in frying pan

Is Coconut Oil Starting to Get the Same Bad Rap Eggs Used to Have?

Delicious plate of nutty butternut squash

Nutty Crusted Butternut Squash Bowl with 10-Spice Roasted Chickpeas by @ohsheglows

Dr. Schauch, ND explaining PCOS

Natural Support for PCOS

Image of a clock with a knife and fork for hands

The Pros & Cons of Intermittent Fasting

Mom and son connecting before a big day at school.

Stress Less Back to School Family Routine

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