Another Earth Day celebration has come and gone, and it was one unlike any we have seen before.

Not only was it the 50th anniversary of Earth Day observances – it was also the first of our celebrations without any in-person participation! However, that didn’t stop us, and Earth Day 2020 did not go uncelebrated. We know that you, like us, paused on Earth Day to appreciate our abundant, life-giving Earth with a renewed sense of love and responsibility. We have evidence that Earth celebrated, too – the clearing skies, the birds and animals reclaiming territory, and the new gardens springing up in so many backyards.

Nature is using our absence to catch a fresh, life-giving breath.

Women’s Voice would like to thank the Non-GMO Project for co-sponsoring our event, and to Aube Giroux for creating a movie that touches the heart and emphasizes the importance of the Non-GMO movement. We also want to thank everyone who contributed to this year’s joyous occasion. Different as it was, it was indeed an Earth Day we will remember.

Writer, director, and producer of the documentary film Modified. Our Earth Day 2020 celebration is over, but you can still watch my film!

Visit the Modified website to rent the film online or to order the DVD. You can also find all the recipes from the film there. Watch my farm-to-table cooking show Kitchen Vignettes on PBS Food.


About the film

In the award-winning documentary Modified, filmmaker Aube Giroux and her mother embark on a very personal and poignant investigative journey to find out why genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are not labelled on food products in the United States and Canada, despite being labeled in 64 countries around the world.

Please take a moment to read our April issue of Women’s Voice to learn more about how you can support our planet with every decision you make. We’ve all had a lot of time to reflect. So, before we return to life as we knew it, let’s pause and resolve to do more to fight for our planet and ourselves. Be an advocate for a healthier life for all – and that includes Mother Earth, herself.
– Women’s Voice

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