plant a seed & see what grows

School gardens are educational tools that improve children’s academic performance and promote life-building skills, including confidence, autonomy, and leadership. When it comes to school gardens, it begins with the idea of paying it forward with a smile, hug, or helping hand. Hundreds of you are making a big difference through the Create a Garden… Inspire a Generation granting program from Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation®, a registered charity.

Qualifying schools can receive grants of up to $2,500 to create their garden, so reach out to Plant a Seed before the funding limit for this program is exhausted!
Also, check out the Seeds of Inspiration program that includes no-charge educational resources for primary grades.

“We are excited about this outdoor educational initiative as it helps our students reach their true potential and become happy and successful young adults. Through our collective efforts and the donation from Plant a Seed & See What Grows Foundation and the City of Calgary, we can build garden beds, obtain the soil, tools, a rain barrel, compost bin, and mulch.”
– Sean Horton, vice principal of Foothills Academy