Three middle aged men  jumping and very happy

We frequently discuss hormone balance in women, but what about men?

We frequently discuss hormone balance in women, but what about men? Testosterone plays a crucial role in these conversations and deserves more attention. As the primary male hormone, testosterone controls male sexual characteristics, muscle development, and libido. But what else occurs when levels of this vital hormone decrease?

During adolescence and early adulthood, testosterone levels are at their highest. Deepening voices, growth spurts, and maturing reproductive organs are signs of the effects of testosterone during this time. Testosterone is also needed for muscle mass and strength, bone density, red blood cell production, and sexual function.

Did you know that testosterone levels begin to decline after 30? On average, levels decrease by about 2% each year, resulting in around 40% of men over 45 and 50% of men in their 80s experiencing concerns related to low testosterone or male hypogonadism. Aging is one factor that causes the testes to produce insufficient testosterone, but genetic conditions, certain medications, environmental toxins, diabetes, obesity, and stress may also be to blame.


Declining testosterone levels should not be ignored. Over time, drops in testosterone can cause changes that impact well-being, including:

  • Reduced energy and motivation
  • Changes in mood and memory
  • Increased body fat and hair loss
  • Loss of muscle mass and strength
  • Decreased sexual function and sperm count
  • Reduced red blood cell production
  • Reduced bone mineral density can increase the risk of fractures

Testosterone decline is linked to reduced health outcomes. A meta-analysis of 11 studies, including 24,000 men, found that low serum testosterone concentrations were associated with a higher risk of all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality. Links between low testosterone and certain cancers, dementia, and prostate health have also been found.


Testing testosterone levels is essential in assessing hormone status, and additional tests may be needed to diagnose a condition. Testosterone therapy is available; however, nutrition, lifestyle, and supplements can also provide benefits.

Consider these four strategies to support testosterone production as you age:

1. Maintain a balanced diet

Fat is a vital macronutrient when it comes to hormone production and balance. Following a low-fat diet is not the best nutritional advice and has been linked to decreased testosterone production in men. Omega-3 fatty acids may increase free testosterone levels and support testicular function. Balancing healthy fats with complex carbohydrates and a moderate-to-high protein intake is also beneficial.

2. Incorporate the right types of exercises

Here’s another reason to stay active: testosterone levels are linked with physical activity. In an eight-week study, participants who performed high-intensity interval training (HIIT) significantly increased testosterone levels. Different types of exercise are important for health, but HIIT and resistance training exercises are best for testosterone support.  

3. Use testosterone-supporting nutrients and botanicals 

Zinc is needed for more than immune health. This essential mineral supports the male reproductive system and is involved in sperm and hormone production. A zinc deficiency is associated with low testosterone levels. However, levels can be improved with zinc supplementation.

Vitamin D for testosterone? Correct! Testosterone is produced in the testes, where Leydig cells with vitamin D receptors are involved. Lower testosterone concentrations have been observed in men with vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D supplements can prevent vitamin D deficiency and may also improve testosterone levels. When supplementing with vitamin D, it is essential to include magnesium, as it activates vitamin D. Plus, low magnesium levels are correlated with low testosterone.

Ashwagandha and fenugreek are herbs that have shown positive effects on testosterone levels in men. In one study, men were supplemented with 300 mg of ashwagandha extract twice daily for eight weeks while participating in resistance training. Treatment with ashwagandha led to a significant increase in testosterone levels and upper and lower body muscle strength. Supplementation with 600 mg of a fenugreek extract daily for 12 weeks in men aged 43–70 led to fewer symptoms of androgen deficiency, improved sexual function, and increased total blood testosterone and free testosterone levels.

4. Reduce exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs)

Exposure to EDCs has been attributed to low sperm counts, poor testicular health, and low testosterone levels. Reducing exposure to these EDCs is critical to minimize their impact on the body. Avoid commonly used products that contain bisphenol A, phthalates, pesticides, perfluorinated compounds, polybrominated diphenyl ether, and flame retardants.

Don’t let low testosterone affect your quality of life as you get older. Boosting testosterone with health strategies can improve your energy, strength, and cognition. It is essential to transform your health and vitality.