Can chemicals in everyday household and personal care products cause harm?
Neurological conditions are at an all-time high. Dementia, migraines, and stroke are examples of nervous system concerns that have increased over the last 30 years, affecting 43% of the world’s population. Aging, genetics, lifestyle, and metabolic risk factors are to blame, but can chemicals in everyday household and personal care products cause harm?
A study published earlier this year revealed that common chemicals found in household cleaning and personal care products damage oligodendrocytes in the brain. Oligodendrocytes are special brain cells that produce myelin, the protective layer of fats surrounding our nerve cells. Researchers found that two groups of chemicals were especially harmful: quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs or quats) and organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs). Loss of oligodendrocytes can negatively impact developing brains and lead to neurological conditions.
These toxic chemicals are hiding in products we habitually rely on. Quats, for example, kill bacteria and viruses, making them a common ingredient in disinfectant and cleaning products used at home and in public spaces. Fabric softeners, hand sanitizers, and cosmetic products also contain quats. OPFRs are found in electronics, furniture, upholstery, and carpets.
In addition to harming the brain, these chemicals can lead to other adverse effects. Exposure to quats is linked to asthma, skin irritation, and fertility concerns, while OPFRs are persistent organic pollutants that adversely affect the environment and are associated with endocrine and immune disruption. The unfortunate truth is that people of all ages are at risk of constant exposure to these chemicals, and we don’t even know it.
Avoiding contact with these damaging chemicals may not always be possible. Still, we can positively change our household and personal care products for ourselves and our families. Consider these strategies for a healthier home and brain.
Choose safer household cleaning products
Conventional disinfectants, glass and all-purpose cleaners, and laundry detergents are examples of household products with harmful chemicals. Ditch these products and check ingredient lists for safer cleaning options that are free of fragrances, dyes, and quats, such as benzalkonium chlorides and other ingredients ending with “-onium chloride.” Alternatively, make your own products with natural cleaning ingredients like distilled water, castile soap, baking soda, white vinegar, and/or essential oils.
Choose safer personal care products
Shampoos, conditioners, hand soaps, and sunscreens are examples of personal care products also known to contain chemical additives. Choose alternatives that are free of quats and other toxic ingredients, such as parabens, phthalates, and fragrances. Alternatively, make your own personal care products with natural ingredients such as coconut and avocado oil, brown sugar, honey, oatmeal, and essential oils.
Ready to make a change? Follow our “Four-Week Healthy Home Challenge,” designed to help you identify harmful ingredients in your household and personal care products for a healthier home and a healthier you.
Week 1 – Become informed
Learn more about the harmful chemicals in household cleaning and personal care products and safer products to purchase from organizations like the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and the David Suzuki Foundation, as well as apps like Detox Me and Think Dirty® Shop Clean.
Week 2 – Review ingredient lists
Visit your laundry room, kitchen, and bathrooms, taking the time to read all product labels. Can you recognize the harmful ingredients? Identify these products for replacement.
Week 3 – Purchase or craft?
After pinpointing the harmful products, decide whether to purchase a reputable brand or craft your own replacement. Visit trustworthy stores that provide high-quality products for purchase.
Week 4 – Check and review
Are you happy with your changes? Numerous solutions exist to create a healthier home, such as using an air purifier, adding green plants, switching to non-toxic carpets, and choosing low-VOC paints. Continue to make informed choices for your personal health, homes, and the environment.
All-purpose cleaner: In a squirt bottle, combine equal parts of liquid castile soap, distilled water, and baking soda.
Glass and mirror cleaner: Mix equal parts of distilled water and vinegar in a glass spray bottle. Add a few drops of peppermint or essential oil for scent. Spray on surfaces and wipe with a microfibre cloth. Do not use vinegar on granite and marble surfaces.
Face care: Mix jojoba or avocado oil with vitamin E for an everyday face oil. Combine mashed avocado, honey, and oatmeal for a nourishing face mask and scrub.
Natural deodorant: Mix coconut oil or shea butter, baking soda, arrowroot powder, and an essential oil in a glass jar and apply as needed.