Living in a healthy world requires that we all become influencers for change.
More proof that change happens best when someone we care about influences us.
A survey of 2,000 people found that 51% have adopted more sustainable living practices – and they thank a significant other or a roommate for the push that got them started. In the same study, a vast majority credited themselves with getting the ball rolling: 86% said they had encouraged people in their lives to make more eco-friendly choices.
Also, interesting? Change doesn’t come without a few sharp words. Over half of the respondents said they had experienced conflict with a partner or roommate regarding wasteful practices. Two-thirds said the source of the disagreement was how to recycle correctly. In the survey, seven in 10 said there had been friction regarding the cost of their sustainable choices, which they estimate costs them more over time. We’re glad to hear that only 52% reported these various disagreements resulting in “frequent arguments.”
The study also reveals that people want to live more sustainably – 78% said they do. However, there are problems to overcome, such as the cost of solutions. Moreover, the availability of eco-friendly products was limiting too. 81% believe they are more eco-conscious than they were a year ago – sometimes due to their own choices, other times due to local regulations, and encouraged practices, such as requiring the reusable bags for grocery shopping.
So, the message is to keep sharing sustainability tips and caring. Living in a healthy world requires that we all become influencers for change.
51% have ADOPTED MORE SUSTAINABLE LIVING practices – and they thank a significant other or a roommate.
86% said they had ENCOURAGED PEOPLE in their lives to make more eco-friendly choices.
78% people want to LIVE MORE SUSTAINABLY.
81% believe they are more eco-conscious than they were a YEAR AGO.